It’s your school district. Help decide how Clovis Unified will look in the future. Learn the facts about Measure A and be an informed voter in the November election.
FACT: Clovis East High is overcrowded, with 5,000 students on campus this year and growing. In 2020, the community supported building Clovis South High in order to ease overcrowded conditions. Plans and a budget (that included normal inflation) were developed for Clovis South (located on the Terry Bradley Educational Center along with Sanchez Intermediate) before the pandemic. No one could have known that unprecedented post-pandemic inflation in construction costs would create a funding gap, but it did. Now, without Measure A the district cannot finish the high school and other solutions would have to be found to house the thousands of students slated to attend the Clovis South.
Learn more about Measure A, the bond that does not increase the current tax rate, at cusd
Safety and Energy Bond Video.mp4 - WATCH THIS VIDEO to learn more.
To learn more about the bond, see cusd bond.
Make sure your voice is heard. Mail-in-Ballots are arriving!
Clovis Unified’s Measure A is on the ballot this November. Learn more at cusd.
“Maximizing Achievement for All Students,” means making sure that every school, no matter when it was built, is a high-quality learning environment where students can do their best.
Over time, our school has benefited from community support of facility bond measures in many ways, allowing us to continue to have a modern, well-maintained campus equitable to other schools around Clovis Unified.
Measure A, passed in November 2024, will provide our school with:
It’s your school district. Help us decide how Clovis Unified will look in the years to come. Learn the facts about Measure A and be an informed voter in the November election.
FACT: All Clovis Unified schools would benefit from the bond. Funds would be designated for safety, energy efficiency and technology upgrades at every school campus across the district’s 198-square-mile area. From security window replacements to cameras and lighting, the upgrades would add to the protection of our students and staff.
Learn more about Measure A, the bond that does not increase the current tax rate, at Facilities.
Since 2012, Kastner Intermediate School has received the following projects funded by two Measure A facility bonds:
Every school facility in Clovis Unified has benefited from bond projects not once or twice, but many times over. Across the District, bond funds have been used for:
Many people don’t realize that as of 2024, our community has a lower tax rate on school bonds than it did in 2020, 2010 or even 2000. They also don’t know that Clovis Unified residents pay a lower tax rate than people living in neighboring school districts like Fresno, Sanger and Central. Learn more about our facilities program and the use of facility bonds in Clovis Unified at cusd facilities.