The Clovis Unified School District provides a wide range of services and programs to meet the needs of differently-abled students eligible for Special Education services. Most of these services can be provided for qualified students at local schools in collaboration with general education programs. However, some services and programs are only available at specified schools throughout the District and may require enrollment at a designated site.
Parents who suspect that their child may be differently-abled or in need of additional services should confer with their child's teacher regarding their concerns and request a referral to the student Study Team. If the child continues to exhibit difficulties after exhausting services and modifications in the regular education program, parents may request an assessment to determine eligibility for special education services.
Qualified staff will conduct an assessment. An Individualized Educational Planning team- including the parents- will meet to review the assessment information, determine eligibility, the services that are needed, and develop appropriate educational goals and objectives. The Individualized Educational Plan is reviewed at least annually.
Special Education Services
Autism Class
Intermediate Intervention Program
RSP Services
School Psychologist
Special Day Functional Skills Class
Speech Therapist
For questions or concerns, please contact:
CUSD Department of Special Education & Psychological Services
Professional Development Building
1680 David E. Cook Way
Clovis, California 93611
559. 327. 9400
559. 327. 9429 Fax
Brittany Lee - Room Q2
Resource Specialist
Ally Rawe - Room Q1
Resource Specialist
Sarah Ferrergiersch- Room Q5
Resource Specialist
Serena Cardona - Room Q1
Resource Specialist
Lindsay Mora - Room P9
Autism Special Day Class
Dava Parks - Room J4
Special Day Class
Christy Rossi - Room P10
Intermediate Intervention Program
Haylie Shaterian - Room P12: W/TH/F
Speech Therapist